segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2013


                 ENGLISH’S EXERCISES

 The plural form of the following noun is:


a)      axes.
b)      axies
c)       axs
d)      axyes
e)      ax

What’s the two nouns in this following sentence?

Check your credit at least once a year

a)      check , year
b)      your, least
c)       year, credit.
d)      least, once
e)      credit, once

The plural of the noun rabbit is made by merely adding an …:

 a)      es
b)      ss
c)       ies
d)      shs
e)      s.

Give the plural form of the following noun:
Ox, lens, goose, mouse
a)      oxes, lenses, geese, mice
b)      oxen, lensies, geese, mice
c)       oxen, lenses, geese, mouses
d)      oxen, lenses, geese, mice.
e)      oxen, lenses, gooses, mice

Which is a correct sentence?

a)      I would like all the advices you have
b)      Last night I ate fishes
c)       The windows have twelve panes of glasses
d)      He has the experiences needed for the job
e)       She has had many great experiences as a camp counselor.

 What  plural noun is spelled incorrectly?

a) knives
b) fathers-in-law
c) children
d) radios
e) handsful.

These words keep the same spelling for singular and plural forms, except:

a)      Alumnus.
b)      Sheep
c)       Deer
d)      Chinese
e)      Trout
These word form their plurals by irregular changes, except:

a)      Appendix
b)      Sex.
c)       Tooth
d)      Crisis
e)      Thief

In the following sentence, determine the possessive form for the noun in the parentheses:
My ______________ (mother-in-law) car stalled on the way home.
The_______________(Claus) cat ran away from the house.
There was a meeting of the _____________(Governor) Task Force at noon.

a)      mother-in-law, Claus, Governor
b)      mother-in-law’s, Claus, Governor
c)       mother-in-law, Claus’s, Governor
d)      mother-in-law, Claus, Governor’s
e)      mother-in-law’s, Claus’s, Governor’s.

What’s the incorrect sentence?

a)      The Woods’ book is neat
b)      His call to the police has failed
c)       That opera is yours
d)      Ms. Woods’s car is so beauty
e)      The ladie’s monthly book was rescheduled.

In the following sentences, determine the possessive form for each noun in the parentheses:
There are___________  (Sergio) and _________(John) car keys
My _______________(mother) and_________ (father) houses
________(Paul) and_________(Bob) barbeque was the highlight of the summer

a)      Sergio, John’s, mother’s, father’s, Paul, Bob’s.
b)      Sergio’s, John, mother’s, father’s, Paul, Bob’s
c)       Sergio, John, mother’s, father’s, Paul, Bob’s
d)      Sergio, John’s, mother’s, father’s, Paul’s, Bob’s
e)      Sergio, John’s, mother’s, father’s, Paul’s, Bob

In the sentence below, fill in the blanks with a, an, the, or no article:
___ unidentified flying object appeared on sky
___movie starts at 10 P.M
___ old friend came by to visit
___fruit drink may be good for your diet
a)      an, the, a, the
b)      an, the, an, a.
c)       a, the, an, a
d)      an, a, an, a
e)      an, the, a, a

Select the incorrect form of the following articles:
a)      a helmet
b)      an UFO.
c)       a house
d)      an hour
e)      an herb

Select the correct form of the pronouns in the following sentences:
Mary asked Robert to take out the garbage for she/her, but he/him would not do it.
Mr. George gave Melanie and I/me/myself the job of pruning the hedge.
a)      Her, he, I
b)      Her, he, myself
c)       She, he, me
d)      Her, he, me.
e)      Her, him, me
Select the correct form of the pronouns in the following sentence:
If they/them keep their/they're goals in mind, nothing will stop they/them.
a)      Them, their, them
b)      They, they’re, them
c)       They, their, them.
d)      They, their, they
e)      Them, their, they

Select the correct form of the pronouns in the following sentence:
It was I/me/myself and he/him/himself who ended up the exercises.
a)      I, he.
b)      I, him
c)       I, himself
d)      Me, he
e)      Me, him
 Select the correct form of the pronouns in the following sentences:

 Correct  the pronouns errors in each of following sentences:
Me and my friends meet one night a month for dinner
The gift is from Alex and I
a)      My friends and me…, from Alex and mylself
b)      My friends and me…, from Alex and me
c)       My friends and I…, from Alex and I.
d)      My friends and I…, from Alex and me
e)      My friends and me…, from Alex and I

Select the incorrect sentence:
a)      I returned to my old company and it offered me a refund
b)      I returned to my old company and they offered me a refund
c)       I returned to my old company and the boss offered me a refund
d)      I tried do pick up the stones, but it was too heavy
e)      It is offering a free vacation to all their employees.

Supply the correct relative pronoun in the following sentence:

This shipment ______ you sent to us was not complete.
a)      that or whom
b)      whose
c)       who
d)      whom
e)      that or which.

 Supply the correct relative pronoun in the following sentence:

The singers______you heard were from Brazil.
a)      who
b)      which
c)       what
d)      whom.
e)      this

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